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Sunday Worship

By Fran Ingram |  May 3, 2022

Sundays at 11 am we gather for joyful worship and the preaching of the Word of God. 
We provide loving care for children Kindergarten and younger during this service. 
Everyone is welcome. 

We are known for our friendly welcoming atmosphere. Our lay led worship is a blended mix of contemporary and traditional music. We are a multi-cultural fellowship, all God's children in Hs Kingdom. 

Our history includes taking a lead in civil rights issues in the 1960s, and welcoming women into ordained leadership.  We support local and international missions and the ministries of local community groups. We are affiliated with the Florida and the National Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Southern Baptist Convention, the Florida Baptist Convention, and the North Central Florida Baptist Convention. Our Statement of Faith is based on the Baptist Faith and Message (1963).

We meet together to lift up Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and to obey His Great Commandment and Great Commission. 

  1. To preach and propagate among all people the gospel of the revelation of God through Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

  2. To nurture its members through the programs of Bible teaching, discipleship training, missions education, music education and Christian service.

  3. To celebrate the Ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

  4. To adhere to the doctrines, principles and ethics set forth in the Holy Bible, inasmuch as it is our only rule of faith and practice. The criterion by which the Bible is to be interpreted is Jesus Christ.

  5. To provide regular opportunities for, and to encourage participation in, both public and private worship, Bible study and prayer.

  6. To train members to witness to the saving grace of Jesus Christ and to use the Bible effectively.

  7. To channel its offerings for the support and advancement of the Kingdom of God.

 We hope to see you soon!
